Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer Break

Hello Everyone,

We are taking a small much deserved summer break  after publishing over 180 recordings and will be back with our recordings in a few weeks.

It has been quite a journey for us along the way, and the RCG trio are taking some personal time to relax and reflect on whats next!  So while we are on the break we are paying attention to some of the other things we do –

Arman is travelling the world, doing his contact improv workshops and starting his gaming company in Russia

Sergey is dancing deep into 5 Rhythms , editing his movie from Siberia and working on his next movie project

Mahipal is working on the educational non profit  and spending time climbing mountains again

We will be back soon, and if you have some ideas/thoughts on what you might want to see us explore in our metalouges let us know..


Mahipal, Sergey and Arman

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