Thursday, December 20, 2012

GPS For Your Soul - Beauty as the marker

Recently published a blog on how I went about modeling the pursuit of beauty as a release from fear…and towards a return to joy

Click here for the whole write up

Sunday, December 16, 2012

#211 Paul Rebillot - The Hero's Journey part 6 - The Return

We are honored to present Paul Rebillot’s “Hero’s Journey” recordings that he had entrusted us to recover from his old tapes and bring out for everyone to share. These are experiential sessions, listen to them, follow the instructions, and enjoy your own personal hero’s journey.

Tracks in this segment:

  1. The Return
  2. Back to the Throne of Miracles
  3. Reward – Home
  4. Reward – Life Work
  5. Reward – Beloved
  6. Reward – Self
  7. Returning with the Reward

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Rule Of One & Becoming An Explorer of the World

I  related to this article quite a bit .  Being an explorer with love is the only way IMHO to live a complete life. My own recommendations are what I call following the rule of One.


  • Learn atleast 1 new thing a day (expand your world)
  • Teach someone atleast 1 new thing (expand the world of another)
  • Express your love to 1 person at least once a day (connect deeply with another)
  • Find a way to express gratitude atleast 1 time a day (being grateful in every possible way)
  • Contribute to 1 person’s life everyday (this IMHO is one’s true legacy)
  • Meditate on death 1 time a day (impermenance, void and spirtuality merge with this)

This rule of one has had a profound effect on my Life in the last two years. Am curious about your thoughts, and how you may build your own rule of one. 

Go ahead read this wonderful article by Maria Popova that I found via BrainPickings.

How to Be an Explorer of the World


“Every morning when we wake up, we have twenty-four brand-new hours to live. What a precious gift!”

As a longtime fan of guerrilla artist and illustrator Keri Smith’Wreck This Box set of interactive journals, part of these 7 favorite activity books for grown-ups, I was delighted to discover her How to Be an Explorer of the World: Portable Life Museum (public library) — a wonderful compendium of 59 ideas for how to get creatively unstuck by engaging with everyday objects and your surroundings in novel ways. From mapping found sounds to learning the language of trees to turning time observation into art, these playful and poetic micro-projects aren’t just a simple creativity booster — they’re potent training for what Buddhism would call “living from presence” and inhabiting your life more fully.

It all began with this simple list, which Smith scribbled on a piece of paper in the middle a sleepless night in 2007:

Eventually, it became the book.

Smith says of the book’s curious choice of subtitle:

I am interested in the idea of taking art (or museum shows/collections) out of the realm of ‘institution’ and into the hands of the individual, one does not need a formal space to put things in, in order for it to be valid. A museum is what YOU make it. You decide what goes in it, what is interesting, why it is interesting, how it could be displayed. It gives the reader permission to create their own portable (or not portable) show. It doesn’t have to be a public show either, it could just be your own private collections of whatever YOU find interesting. Think of it as a kind of “Sim Museum”, except in the real world. The book begins with ideas about what and how to collect things you find in the world (found objects, thoughts, ideas, stories, things from nature, etc.), a section on various ways of displaying the things you collect, and how to set up a showing.

Especially delightful — and not only because of the Anaïs Nin reference — is this author’s note in the preface, a nod to Mark Twain’s conviction that “all ideas are second-hand” and Henry Miller’s contention that most of what we create is composed of “hand-me-down ideas”:

Alongside the micro-projects are hand-written quotes by great creative minds of yore, including Brain Pickings favorites Italo CalvinoThich Nhat Hanh, andCorita Kent:

Both daring and meditative, How to Be an Explorer of the World is part Maira Kalman, part Wendy MacNaughton, part its very own kind of whimsy, delivering — beautifully — exactly what it says on the tin, with an invitation to be just a little bit more alive each day.

Spread photos via Geek Dad

Sunday, December 9, 2012

#210 Paul Rebillot - The Hero's Journey part 5 - The Demon of Resistance

We are honored to present Paul Rebillot’s “Hero’s Journey” recordings that he had entrusted us to recover from his old tapes and bring out for everyone to share. These are experiential sessions, listen to them, follow the instructions, and enjoy your own personal hero’s journey.

Tracks in this segment:

  1. The Demon of Resistance – Tensions
  2. The Demon Dance of Power
  3. Posture of the Demon
  4. The Confrontation – at the Threshold
  5. Confrontation
  6. The Mysterium
  7. Resolution Posture
  8. Over the Threshold
  9. The Reward
  10. Temple of the Reward

Saturday, December 8, 2012

NLP Recordings gifted to Public Domain by Richard Bolstad with Radical Change Group

Its amazing and very fullfilling when ones’ work, and ones’ mission touches others deeply enough for them to open up and join you in your mission, in our case its about giving transformation as a gift to the world. 
A lil while ago while communicating with Richard Bolstad and sharing with him what we (Mahipal LuniaSergey Berezin and Arman Darini) at Radical Change Group are doing such a incident happened. Richard wrote back to me and said “your mission is noble” and he did something very noble himself. He has gifted 3 programs to the world in conjunction with the Radical Change Group project. We want to thank Richard again, and do hope other trainers/leaders also are inspired and share some of their learnings with the world as a gift. 

You can download the recordings at
The recordings are listed below, please help yourself and do say thank you to richard for his generosity

Keys to Success Free Home Study 2 Day Training

  • Detect the subtle nonverbal changes that let you know when someone is agreeing or disagreeing, so you can adjust what you say and do to reach agreement.
  • Use specific body language to create the feeling of rapport and trust in the first ten minutes. Create more co-operation with family, friends, colleagues and clients than ever before.
  • Connect with people on a deeper level using the techniques that research finds people who create lifelong relationships use.
  • Set, and help others to set, more effective, measurable and achievable goals, so you get what you intend out of life.
  • Learn why “The Secret” isn’t working for you and set goals the way the most successful people in history really do it to generate wealth, success and satisfaction!
  • Be able to enter a state of high motivation and confidence, or a state of deep relaxation, at will in any situation, using the NLP technique of Resource Anchoring.
  • Identify and use the five Keys to Success which the developers of NLP found were relevant in any professional or personal situation.

The Files

NLP and Spirituality Afternoon Sample Training


Step into the Integration training and study Dr Richard Bolstad’s “Unanswerable Question” process.

The Files

Trauma Recovery Free Home Study 2 Day Training

Tsunami in Japan

Tsunami in Japan 2011

  • Learn and practice the NLP Trauma Recovery Process as taught by Richard Bolstad in several international crisis situations.
  • Learn and practice the NLP Eye Movement Integration Process.
  • Learn the overview protocol for working with traumatic memories so you have a sense of understanding of where you are in the process of change.
  • Distinguish functional resilient and recovery responses to traumatic experiences, from dysfunctional, chronic traumatic responses and understand how to respond usefully to each.
  • Feel confident using NLP to help in a disaster situation, both immediately after events and later as people recover.
  • Learn “The Worst Is Over” technique for rapport and usefully suggestive response in the immediate crisis situation.

The Files

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Embracing Aliveness By Following Your Fascinations Fully - Mahipal Lunia

New Blog Post – Embracing Aliveness By Following Your Fascinations Fully.

Continuing my write ups on the philosophy and values that guide the work we do at mt. view aiki kai. This write up explores how we find aliveness, why pursue it and I s

hare some stories of the results of doing the same. My hope is that it inspires you to find your own story, your own aliveness and hence define your own journey – on a path that was not traversed befor
Mahipal Lunia

Sunday, December 2, 2012

#209 Paul Rebillot - The Hero's Journey part 4 - The Heroic Self

We are honored to present Paul Rebillot’s “Hero’s Journey” recordings that he had entrusted us to recover from his old tapes and bring out for everyone to share. These are experiential sessions, listen to them, follow the instructions, and enjoy your own personal hero’s journey.

Tracks in this segment:

  1. Spirit Guide
  2. Childhood Hero
  3. Movie Star
  4. Animal
  5. Important People
  6. Awakening of the Gods
  7. Journey to the House of the Hero
  8. Your Heroic Self
  9. Hero’s Posture